It’s finally here! The first time we lay eyes on the promos and exclusives from Evolving Skies, which was announced back in June 2021.
In total, there are 4 holo promos – Flaafy, Galarian Aritcuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres , which are all alternate art reprints from evolving skies. They are all available in the Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box.
SWSH124 Galarian Zapdos SWSH125 Galarian Moltres SWSH123 Galarian Articuno SWSH122 Flaaffy Build & Battle Box
Not only that, there are 3 non-holo exclusives which are Eldegoss, Regieleki, and Zoroark.
Zoroark Regieleki Eldegoss